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Läs mer. Capio. Box 1064. 405 22 Göteborg. Sweden’s first and only privately-owned emergency hospital, the Capio St. Göran’s Hospital is also one of the country’s largest.
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For more information about Ramsay Générale de Santé, please refer to www.ramsaygds.fr. The Monte Capio is a mountain in the Pennine Alps of north-western Italy; with an elevation of 2,172 m (7,126 ft) is one of the highest peaks of the Alpi Cusiane Contents 1 Geography Island of Capri, Italy “This charming B&B was a perfect base for our stay on Capri.
King Charles founded The Royal Factory of Capodimonte in Naples, Italy, in 1743. To this day, Capodimonte pieces are produced by artisans who hand carve the moulds that the porcelain is poured into.
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