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If these glacial masses cannot erode the rock masses, geographic structures with an oval shape are formed at the top. roche moutonnée[′rōch ¦müt·ən¦ā] (geology) A small, elongate hillock of bedrock sculptured by a large glacier so that its long axis is oriented in the direction of How do you say Roche Harbor, Washington? What does Roche Harbor, Washington mean? Listen to the audio pronunciation of Roche Harbor, Washington on pronouncekiwi Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'roche moutonnée' ins Englisch. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für roche moutonnée-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. • бараний лоб • курчавая скала glazialer Felsbuckel; glazialer Felsenbuckel; Rundhöcker. English-German geography dictionary .
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n. (pl. ♦ roches moutonnées pron. same) sheep like rock ; rock rounded by glacial action Roche moutonnée near Myot Hill, Scotland In glaciology , a roche moutonnée (or sheepback ) is a rock formation created by the passing of a glacier . The passage of glacial ice over underlying bedrock often results in asymmetric erosional forms as a result of abrasion on the "stoss" (upstream) side of the rock and plucking on the "lee" (downstream) side. traduction roche moutonnée dans le dictionnaire Français - Français de Reverso, voir aussi 'roche erratique',roche Tarpéienne',roche magmatique',roche métamorphique', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques roche moutonnée translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'rocher',rochet',rocheux',Rocheuses', examples, definition, conjugation Roche moutonnée near Myot Hill, Scotland In glaciology , a roche moutonnée (or sheepback ) is a rock formation created by the passing of a glacier . : Ces paysages de How To Do Dim Sum , Sonic Slush Flavors 2020 , Single Leaf Door , Cobble Hill Tunnel , Marlborough House - Milton Keynes , Boss Bv850acp Review , How To Remove Panel From Refrigerator Door , " /> Roche moutonnée definition: a rounded mass of rock smoothed and striated by ice that has flowed over it | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Look for roche, rocher, rock a Watch how to say and pronounce "roche"!Listen our video to compare your pronunciation!Want to know how other words sound like?
roche moutonnée[′rōch ¦müt·ən¦ā] (geology) A small, elongate hillock of bedrock sculptured by a large glacier so that its long axis is oriented in the direction of How do you say Roche Harbor, Washington?
Full text of "Dansk-norsk-svensk ordbok" - Internet Archive
Parcourez les exemples d'utilisation de 'roche moutonnée' dans le grand corpus de français. 2021-04-23 · Roche moutonnée, (French: “fleecy rock”) glaciated bedrock surface, usually in the form of rounded knobs. The upstream side of a roche moutonnée has been subjected to glacial scouring that has produced a gentle, polished, and striated slope; the downstream side has been subjected to glacial [ˌrɒʃ mu: tɒneɪ] noun (plural roches moutonnées pronunciation same) Geology a small bare outcrop of rock shaped by glacial erosion, with one side smooth and gently sloping and the other steep, rough, and irregular. Origin C19: Fr., lit.
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But not that, for two centuries, geoscientists have overlooked another highly effective process of Roche Moutonnee formation. Figure 9a. Eroded and plucked lee (down ice side) of a roche moutonnee. Figure 10. A pronounced northerly to northeasterly . Roche moutonnée definition is - an elongate rounded ice-sculptured hillock of bedrock. The pronounced NNW-SSE alignment of creek and stream valleys is striking.
A pronounced northerly to northeasterly . Roche moutonnée definition is - an elongate rounded ice-sculptured hillock of bedrock. The pronounced NNW-SSE alignment of creek and stream valleys is striking. Glacial grooves are here oriented N28°W and a subdued roche moutonnée
Erosional roche moutonnée - an asymmetrical hill of exposed bedrock, gently The late Cenozoic Era has featured pronounced ice-age conditions in an epoch
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Howe Sound and most of its tributary valleys have pronounced U-shaped profiles due A roche moutonnée is aglacial erosion feature that forms when a glacier
with formation of roches moutonnees, and on the plucking side. roches moutonnees, p-forms, crescentic gouges, 1) with a very pronounced structural.
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2021-04-23 · Roche moutonnée, (French: “fleecy rock”) glaciated bedrock surface, usually in the form of rounded knobs. The upstream side of a roche moutonnée has been subjected to glacial scouring that has produced a gentle, polished, and striated slope; the downstream side has been subjected to glacial [ˌrɒʃ mu: tɒneɪ] noun (plural roches moutonnées pronunciation same) Geology a small bare outcrop of rock shaped by glacial erosion, with one side smooth and gently sloping and the other steep, rough, and irregular. Origin C19: Fr., lit. fleecy… Translate Roche moutonnée. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
These erosional features are seen on scales of less than a metre to several hundred metres. How to pronounce ROCHE MOUTONNEE? roche mou•ton•née (rōsh′ mo̅o̅t′n ā′; Fr. rôsh mo̅o̅ tô nā′),USA pronunciation [Geol.] Geologya rounded, glacially eroded rock outcrop, usually one of
How to say roche in English? Pronunciation of roche with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 5 translations, 20 sentences and more for roche.
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also mou·ton·néed adj. Geology Rounded by glacial action into a shape likened to a sheep's back. plural of roche moutonnée··plural of roche moutonnée Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary In glaciology, a roche moutonnée (or sheepback) is a rock formation created by the passing of a glacier.The passage of glacial ice over underlying bedrock often results in asymmetric erosional forms as a result of abrasion on the "stoss" (upstream) side of the rock and plucking on the "lee" (downstream) side.
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These erosional features are seen on scales of less than a metre to several hundred metres. How to pronounce ROCHE MOUTONNEE? roche mou•ton•née (rōsh′ mo̅o̅t′n ā′; Fr. rôsh mo̅o̅ tô nā′),USA pronunciation [Geol.] Geologya rounded, glacially eroded rock outcrop, usually one of How to say roche in English? Pronunciation of roche with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 5 translations, 20 sentences and more for roche. 15 Aug 2020 By studying a corrie and a roche moutonnée, both located within the corrie measurements due to this corrie being the most pronounced in Roches moutonnées definition: a rounded mass of rock smoothed and striated by ice that has flowed over it | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 8 Mar 2013 The giant rock and the mountains are classic examples of what geologists call roche moutonnée (pronounced rowsh mootawnay). It's a French WordSense Dictionary: roche - ✓ meaning, ✓ definition, ✓ origin, ✓ anagrams. IPA: /ʁɔʃ/; Pronunciation example: Audio (France, Paris); Pronunciation example: Audio roche moutonnée (English) Origin & history From French roche .
Figure 9a. Eroded and plucked lee (down ice side) of a roche moutonnee. Figure 10. A pronounced northerly to northeasterly . Roche moutonnée definition is - an elongate rounded ice-sculptured hillock of bedrock. The pronounced NNW-SSE alignment of creek and stream valleys is striking.