Geometry Dash av Robert Topala - iPhone/iPad


Steams gemenskap :: Geometry Dash :: Diskussioner

Geometry dash world is a spinoff game made by Robert Topala (Robtop Games), for a WAITING placement for as we wait for 2.1. Levels. Each island is about 5 levels long, each level is about 30 seconds long , with in title, 10 levels, leading up to approximately 300 seconds of play time to beat all levels without any stopping and all one attempt. 2020-02-04 Geometry Dash is a series of music platforming video games developed by Swedish developer Robert Topala.

Robert topala geometry dash

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2021-04-11 Robert Topala (Robtop) is our god whom made the game Geometry Dash :D And Boomlings.. :P Anywho, hope you enjoy this pixel art of him, which, he literatly only has one picture of himself irl on the internet, so, I had to use that as kinda a reference picture lol Anywho, … Welcome to the Geometry Dash Moderators Official Website! It showcases the full list of Moderators, All logos and art from Geometry Dash are made by Robert Topala of RobTopGames, and the owners of this site do not claim any ownership of them. All credit of said images goes to RobTopGames. Find all downloads offered by Robert Topala in ZDNet's Software Directory, the Web's largest library of software downloads.

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Företaget som ger ut spelet heter Rob Top games. Att skapa den första versionen av Geometry Dash tog ungefär fyra månader för Robert Topala.

Robert topala geometry dash

Geometry Dash World Ladda ner och installera Ios

Robert topala geometry dash

The game is available to play on iOS, Android, as well as Microsoft Windows via Steam. In the game, players control a character’s movement and navigate through a series of music-based levels while avoiding obstacles and hazards. Robert Topala (comúnmente conocido como RobTop) es un productor sueco de videojuegos, animador, programador, y compositor. Es el fundador de RobTop Games y creó varios juegos para móviles comoGeometry Dash, Boomlings, Boomlings MatchUp y Memory MasterMind. Robert Topala empezó a tener interés en crear videojuegos debidó a su afición natural para el diseño, arte y programación. En una Robert Topala, who is the developer of Geometry Dash, understands this concept better than many other gamers.

He and Jens Bergensten are both game designers from Sweden. Robert Topala is a member of famous Game Designer list. Game developer known for his company RobTopGames. He’s most famous for creating Geometry Dash and Geometry Geometry Dashcube is a video game created by Robert Topala, a producer from RobTop. The purpose of the game is to jump over spikes while changing into ships, balls, waves, etc. There are also secret vaults where you can get icons (cubes that you can play as) by typing in secret codes. 1 History 2019-12-06 2013-08-13 2016-08-24 2015-08-24 Clockbeat Antnich started this petition to Geometry Dash Robert Topala and 2 others.
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Robert topala geometry dash

He is the founder of RobTop Games and has  Geometry dash world is a spinoff game made by Robert Topala (Robtop Games), for a WAITING placement. Robert Topala.

Jump and fly your way through danger in this rhythm-based action platformer! "Frustratingly wonderful" - Kotaku "Geometry Dash provides all of the challenge  Jump and fly your way through danger in this rhythm-based action platformer! "Frustratingly wonderful" - Kotaku "Geometry Dash provides all of the challenge  VD: Robert Nicholas Christian Topala; Bolagsform: Aktiebolag; F-Skatt: Registrerad Läs mer; Moms: Registrerad i Momsregistret; Registreringsår: 2014. Top iPhone Game #46: Geometry Dash - Robert Topala by Robert Topala - 03/09/2014.
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Robert has only answered the questions he has deemed most interesting, so please don't expect to see all of them here. Currently a WIP, don't delete or edit Geometry Dash: Project is a game that came out in 2029, developed by RobTop (Robert Topala). Geometry Dash: Project gets updates like the main game does.

Geometry Dash Fuska

Geometry dash world is a spinoff game made by Robert Topala (Robtop Games), for a WAITING placement for as we wait for 2.1. Levels. Each island is about 5 levels long, each level is about 30 seconds long , with in title, 10 levels, leading up to approximately 300 seconds of play time to beat all levels without any stopping and all one attempt. 2020-02-04 Geometry Dash is a series of music platforming video games developed by Swedish developer Robert Topala.

Geometry Dash is a rhythm-based platformer game has 21 levels.