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Abbreviation: Afr. J. Pol. Sci. Int. Relat. Language: English; ISSN: 1996-0832; DOI: 10.5897/ International Journal of Political Science (IJPS) is an internationally peer reviewed academic journal that publishes recent advancements in the field of Political The International Political Science Review (IPSR) is the journal of the International Political Science Association. IPSR is committed to publishing peer- reviewed Global Journal of Political Science and Administration is a peer-reviewed journal published by the European Centre for Research, Training and Development ( The Asian Institute of Research Journal of Social and Political Sciences is a peer- reviewed International Journal of the Asian Institute of Research. The journal The column Rank refers to the ranking accorded to the journal by Web of Science based on the 2-year Journal Impact Factor 2019 (released in 2020).
Philippine Political Science Journal Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Policy Policy Review Polis Politica Externa Politica y Gobierno Political Crossroads Political Theology Politics and Policy Politikon: South African journal of political science Politique et Societes Politique Etrangere Politische Vierteljahresschrift Philippine Political Science Journal The Philippine Political Science Journal (PPSJ) is an internationally peer reviewed journal published by the Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA). It is included in the international master list of scientific journals and the Social Sciences Citation Index. About this journal. World Political Science (WPS) publishes translations of prize- winning articles nominated by prominent national political science associations 2 Apr 2021 Use one of the databases on the previous tab to search across these and many other journals. Major Journals in Political Science.
The Nordic Political Science Association (NoPSA) takes responsibility for the publication of a common journal, Scandinavian PhD student and part-time lecturer, Department of Political Science, Insights from the existentialist anxiety literature', European Journal of International. av S Wallman Lundåsen · 2015 · Citerat av 25 — Swiss Political Science Review 21(1): 140–157 2014 Swiss Political Science Association European Journal of Political Research 45(1): 123–52.
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American Journal of Political Science, 69, 105 · 2. American Political Science Review, 58, 97 · 3. Journal of European Public Policy, 55, 78 · 4.
American Journal of Political Science Tidskrift — Helsingfors
2021-04-12 Description: The American Journal of Political Science (AJPS), published four times each year, is one of the most widely-read political science journals in the United States.AJPS is a general journal of political science open to all members of the profession and to all areas of the discipline of political science. JSTOR provides a digital archive of the print version of American Journal of International Journal of Political Science is one of the most reputed refereed journals of Political Science at international level. Political Science (journal). 13,304 likes · 7 talking about this. Political Science is a fully peer-reviewed international journal published three times a year by Taylor & Francis The California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Undergraduate Journal of Political Science is our department's scholarly research journal, providing peer-reviewed articles and essays from subfields throughout the discipline.Areas covered include American politics, public administration, international relations, comparative politics, public law and political theory. New Political Science: a journal of politics and culture New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Nonproliferation Review Nueva Sociedad: democracia y politica en America Latina The Philippine Political Science Journal (PPSJ) is an internationally refereed journal and the official publication of the Philippine Political Science Association (PPSA). The PPSJ welcomes articles dealing with the politics and international relations of Southeast Asia.
Associate professor (Docent), Political Science, Uppsala university American Politics Research, Environmental Values, Journal of Public
Covering politics, current events mixed in with a little comedy and a common sense The Berlin Policy Journal Podcast explores what moves and shakes the
Routledge Handbook on Scandinavian Politics. P. Bardhan In American Journal of Political Science 59 (2014) NOU 2017:2, Integrasjon og tillit. Langsiktige
26 Vogel och Schreckinger, ”The most powerful woman in GOP politics”. Study of Personality and Political Behaviour”, British Journal ofPolitical Science, 38:2,
Stockholm: Gidlund Viner, Jacob 1963 (a): »'Possessive individualism' as Original Sin« i Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science, vol xxix, no 4. Cristina Aliagas, and Julia Gillen Journal of Early Childhood Literacy 2020 20 : 3 fellowship program at Northwestern Health Sciences University in the Human Members, political groups and news services from the European Parliament. Järfälla kommun ligger två mil nordväst om Stockholm. Stora friluftsområden, Mälarens vatten och väl utbyggd service gör Järfälla till en kommun att bo, arbeta
The American Journal of Political Science (AJPS) is the flagship journal of the Midwest Political Science Association and is published by Wiley.
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European journal of political research 42 (3), 391-408, 2003 International Political Science Review 38 (5), 625-641, 2017. 28*, 2017. The SEDU research in political science with a focus on crisis management and international cooperation Part of Journal of International Communication. Composition Notebook: Political Science Major for Back to School Gift Journal/Notebook Blank Lined Ruled 6x9 100 Pages: Ernst, Natalja: Amazon.se: Books. Professor, political science, Lund university - Geciteerd door 2.864 - Comparative Politics European Journal of Political Research 50 (4), 441-478, 2011.
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AIMS AND SCOPE OF JOURNAL: The Annual Review of Political Science, in publication since 1998, covers significant developments in the field of Political
About the Journal. Political Science is a field of study which examines the acquisition and application of power in public affairs.
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Filter. Previous; 1-10 of 16,505 results for ""Political Science""; Next Online Read More Add to Saved list. ×. Academic Journal CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue of the Journal of Political Marketing on Journal of Brand Management), political science journals (Political Professor in Political Science, Örebro University, Sweden - Cited by 1089 - Political Connecting democracy: Online consultation and the flow of political Professor in Political Science, Örebro University, Sweden - Citeret af 1.019 - Political International Journal of Public Administration 40 (7), 575-587, 2017. Professor in Political Science, Örebro University, Sweden - Cited by 1039 - Political International Journal of Public Administration 40 (7), 575-587, 2017.
Journal of political science - LIBRIS
Journal of Democracy 9. Annual Review of Political Science 10. West European Politics PS: Political Science & Politics provides critical analyses of contemporary political phenomena and is the journal of record for the discipline of political science reporting on research, teaching, and professional development. PS, begun in 1968, is the only quarterly professional news and commentary journal in the field and is the prime source of information on political scientists' achievements and professional concerns. Political Science Quarterly With neither an ideological nor a partisan bias, PSQ looks at facts and analyzes data objectively to help readers understand what is really going on in national and world affairs. About this journal. Political Science is no longer published by SAGE, though backfiles remain available here (March 1948 - December 2016).
2021-04-02 · Canadian Journal of Political Science: 1968 - present. Comparative Political Studies: 1997 - present. Comparative Politics: 1968 - present. Demokratizatsiya: 1997 - present. Europe-Asia Studies: 1993 - present. European Journal of Political Research: 1997 - present.