Anisört, Anisisop Hallandsåsens Utemiljö


Agastache 'Blue Fortune' Anisört - Wändels

Agastache – typical giant hyssops. Agastache cusickii (Greenm.) Plant number: 1.025.030 A long-blooming selection for the middle to back of the border, featuring wands of dusky violet-blue flowers. Plants form a compact bush of licorice-scented green leaves. Both the flowers and leaves are edible and fun to sprinkle into salads. Thick spikes of tiny soft blue flowers are carried on tall, leafy stems to form a handsome see-through clump. The whole plant is scented of liquorice and loved by bees & butterflies. Delivered in 7 - 10 days £5.80 each OR £16.50 for three Robust Agastache 'Blue Fortune' is a mass of soft powder-blue flower spikes from July onwards, making it a magnet for butterflies and admiring visitors alike.

Agastache blue fortune

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Sign In  6 x Agastache 'Blue Fortune' – rund doft blå Fortune liten behållare 9 cm x 9 cm: Patio, Lawn & Garden. agastache blue fortune - ( a good companion perovskia atriplicifolia (russian sage)) Plants Agastache x Blue Fortune | Plant & Flower Stock Photography:  2 417 × 2 592 (1,42 Mbyte), Benh, {{Information |Description={{en|A hoverfly on Agastache Blue Fortune}} |Source=self-made |Date=September 8th 2007  Agastache Blue Fortune ist eine Sorte der Duftnessel mit violettblauer Blüte und namensgebenden duftenden Blättern. Sie gedeiht am besten an sonnigen Stelle  Latinsk navn, Agastache 'Blue Fortune'. Dansk navn, Anisisop\n.

Ett dovt sorl av binas samtal och doften av mint är påtaglig när jag går förbi anisisopen. Agastache `Blue Fortune´.

Agastache 'Blue Fortune' / Anisört ERA Green Dream

If you're trying to Try your luck with this Agastache Crazy Fortune! A beautiful perennial plant with variegated foliage and blue-purple flowers. In the spring, the new shoots are variegated in the shades of green and purple. The foliage of this plant is fragrant and smells like liquorice/anise.

Agastache blue fortune

Gränspaket “Aroma” - Häckvä

Agastache blue fortune

30.00 kr. Agastache Blue Fortune mängd. Lägg i varukorg. Kategori:  Blålila blommor under sensommar och höst och som uppskattas av fjärilar och humlor. Doftande blad. Som torkad behåller Köp Anisisop hos oss!

Växtplats: sol. Blomningstid: juli-september. Höjd: 80 cm. Färg: blå. 2019-sep-18 - Denna pin hittades av josefine karlsson.
Hushållskostnader familj

Agastache blue fortune

Anisisop (sort) ☀️, väldrän, fukt, näring, bin, doft, utfyll, 75cm, blåviolett. Agastache foeniculum. Anisisop ☀️, väldrän, fukt, näring  Agastache. Anisisop 'Blue Fortune' är med sitt stadigt upprätta växtsätt en pålitlig grundpelare som man kan ha i stora sjok.

Höjd 80 cm. Blommar med 80 cm höga blåvioletta blommor i juli – september. Näringsrik väldränerad jord. Agastache foeniculum 'Blue Fortune'.
Argus d

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Agastache 'Blue Fortune' - Essunga Plantskola

Produktinformation. Kategorier: Perenner. Agastache 'Blue Fortune'. Anisört C3. 199.00 kr. Slut i lager. Artikelnr: 5374 Kategori: Perenner blommande.

Anisisop 'Blue Fortune'

Ideal for sunny borders, clustered in perennial borders or combination patio containers. Frost, drought & tolerates hot dry or wet summers. Robust Agastache 'Blue Fortune' is a mass of soft powder-blue flower spikes from July onwards, making it a magnet for butterflies and admiring visitors alike. The award winning 'Blue Fortune' is a tremendously long bloomer that produces lavender blue, bottlebrush-like flowers on strong, upright stems from  'Blue Fortune' has loose spires of lilac-blue flowers from July to October and peppermint-scented leaves.

Be sure to look for the Agastache that is labeled ‘Blue Fortune’ however because seed-grown varieties of Agastache foeniculum self-seed everywhere and you’ll regret having grown it. ‘Blue Fortune’ doesn’t set Agastache 'Blue Fortune' (Kinmėtė) – žiedai melsvai violetiniai, ilguose žiedynuose. Kerai tankūs kompaktiški, taisyklingi, aukštis apie 80 cm.