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White matter hyperintensities as a predictor of neuropsychological

White matter hyperintensities (WMH) is a non-specific term that refers to white matter (WM) signal hyperintensity areas on T2 weighted MRI scans, and correlates with WM rarefaction (leucoaraiosis) as defined on CT scans. 1 The main risk factors associated with development of WMH are older age and blood hypertension. 2 WMH occur both in demented patients and in healthy elderly subjects, and their relevance to cognitive status has not been fully established. White matter hyperintensities (WMH), which are typically detected on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) brain MRI, are common findings in older adults. WMH are considered a type of sporadic small vessel disease (Wardlaw and Pantoni, 2014).

White matter hyperintensities

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White matter hyperintensity can occur in various places in the brain. When it occurs in the basal ganglia part of the brain, this is called subcortical hyperintensities. Near lateral ventricles, a periventricular hyperintensity can be observed. Finally, what is known as deep hypertensity can be observed in the depths of the brain's white matter.

Brain Injury, Taylor  Yuanjing's PhD project is on the interplay of the cerebral small vessel disease (e.g., white matter hyperintensities, brain atrophy, perivascular spaces, etc.)  WMH betyder Vit substans Hyperintensities.

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hjärnvävnad och subkortikala hyperintensity lesion Volumetrics från with white matter hyperintensities: importance of lesion segmentation  White Matter Hyperintensities (WMH), or lesions in the brain that show up as areas of increased brightness when visualized by MRI, can indicate small vessel  High prevalence of white matter hyperintensities in normal aging: relation to blood pressure and cognition. H Söderlund, L Nyberg, R Adolfsson, LG Nilsson,  The effects of tau, amyloid and white matter lesions on mobility, dual tasking and balance in older people. Nilsson MH, Tangen GG, Palmqvist S, van Westen D,  Presence of lacunes, microbleeds, white matter hyperintensities, and enlarged perivascular spaces was summed to provide a measure of total cerebral small  Think of white matter hyperintensities getting segmented for you, but not without you checking whether the computer was right and having the opportunity of  White matter hyperintensities increases with traumatic brain injury severity: associations to neuropsychological performance and fatigue. Brain Injury, Taylor  Yuanjing's PhD project is on the interplay of the cerebral small vessel disease (e.g., white matter hyperintensities, brain atrophy, perivascular spaces, etc.)  WMH betyder Vit substans Hyperintensities.

White matter hyperintensities

Publications - The Swedish BioFINDER Study

White matter hyperintensities

(at least 3 out of 4) for dissemination in space.

OrdbokPro.se. OrdbokPro.se är en helt gratis Internet ordbok. (SCL), »leukoaraiosis» (LA) och »deep white-matter hyperintensities» (DWMH) har använts med varierande innebörd i olika artiklar. Olika författare har uppgett  White matter hyperintensities are common in MRIs of asymptomatic individuals, and their prevalence increases with age from approximately 10% to 20% in those approximately 60 years old to close to 100% in those older than 90 years. 3 They are more common in individuals with a history of cognitive impairment, dementia, or cerebrovascular disease.
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White matter hyperintensities

The region of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that appears lighter in color than the other type, GRAY MATTER. "Pathologies and pathological mechanisms for white matter hyperintensities in depression," Ann N Y Acad Sci., 977:333–339. hjärnvävnad och subkortikala hyperintensity lesion Volumetrics från with white matter hyperintensities: importance of lesion segmentation  White Matter Hyperintensities (WMH), or lesions in the brain that show up as areas of increased brightness when visualized by MRI, can indicate small vessel  High prevalence of white matter hyperintensities in normal aging: relation to blood pressure and cognition.

White matter hyperintensities (WMHs),detected on T2-weighted Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) sequence on brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),are presumed to be the result of chronic hypoperfusion of the white matter and disruption of the blood–brain barrier, leading to chronic leakage of plasma into the white matter [9,10]. Abbreviations: WMH, white matter hyperintensities; PVH, periventricular hyperintensities; DWMH, deep subcortical white matter hyperintensities. Statistical analysis The characteristics of our study were summarized using means and standard deviations (SD) for continuous variables and frequencies and percentages (%) for categorical variables. 12.1 Introduction.
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Vi är stolta över att lista förkortningen av WMH i den största databasen av förkortningar och akronymer.

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Nilsson MH, Tangen GG, Palmqvist S, van Westen D,  Presence of lacunes, microbleeds, white matter hyperintensities, and enlarged perivascular spaces was summed to provide a measure of total cerebral small  Think of white matter hyperintensities getting segmented for you, but not without you checking whether the computer was right and having the opportunity of  White matter hyperintensities increases with traumatic brain injury severity: associations to neuropsychological performance and fatigue. Brain Injury, Taylor  Yuanjing's PhD project is on the interplay of the cerebral small vessel disease (e.g., white matter hyperintensities, brain atrophy, perivascular spaces, etc.)  WMH betyder Vit substans Hyperintensities.

Hongwei Li, Gongfa Jiang, Ruixuan Wang, Jianguo Zhang, Zhaolei Wang, Wei-Shi Zheng1 and Bjoern Menze.