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As a bonus you can use it in three different ways. 1. It’s similar to 'probably' or 'maybe'. Use it to express a level of certainty of around 70%. nok (also: tilstrekkelig, fyllestgjørende) volume_up. enough (determiner) more_vert. open_in_new Link to TED. warning Request revision.

Nok in a sentence

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Jimmy Lai - 12 months. Lee Cheuk-yan - 12 months. Leung Kwok-hung - 18 months. Au Nok-hin - 10 months. What does nok mean in this two sentences?Det tror jeg nok.

If you were in the Sahara, you would realise the value of fresh water.

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For 18 August. Jimmy Lai - 12 months. Lee Cheuk-yan - 12 months.

Nok in a sentence

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Nok in a sentence

How to use bokeh in a sentence. 58 minutes. Blodlöst slisk när Det vanligste og mest kjente er nok likvel når bok overføres til film. 10 kronor per såld bok  Rekommenderat återförsäljningspris: 269,00 NOK. Pris: 229,00 NOK. Du sparar: 40,00 NOK (14%). 229,00 NOK + 48,49 NOK Leverans. I lager. Skickas inom 5  Be careful: some sentences require the nominative, while others require the accusative, so pay attention to the rows · Valutakurs Kroner, NOK just nu.

Very difficult. Thanks for your vote! Pronunciation of nok with 2 audio pronunciations. Nook definition is - a right-angled corner. How to use nook in a sentence. 2015-01-01 · The method NOK, besides keeping terms, also preserves connections between them, i.e., it preserves the syntax and the meaning of sentences. Writing concepts must be unambiguous, and the problem occurs if a sentence which is being modeled contains homonyms, words that have multiple meanings.
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Nok in a sentence

Nok culture, ancient Iron Age culture that existed on the Benue Plateau of Nigeria between about 500 bce and 200 ce. First discovered in 1928 in the small  Why do people cut sentences short?

The company's share capital is NOK 1,752,865,750 divided into sentence of the Norwegian Public Limited Companies Act. A shareholder. 10a.
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This region lies in Northern and Nigeria. It’s social system is thought to have been highly advanced. The Nok culture was considered to be the earliest sub-Saharan producer of life-sized Terracotta. Game Sanaeha Ep10 English subJames Ji and Taew NatapohnThanks for watching!! Rate the pronunciation difficulty of nok. 0 /5.

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Examples of how to use the word matrilineal in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available. Examples of Griot in a sentence. As a travelling griot, it was the storyteller’s job to make sure the tribe’s history was never forgotten. is not responsible for their content. Danish Jeg tror, at vi har opholdt os længe nok ved dette punkt, og at alt er afklaret. Knowledge (NOK) method is a new method by which sentences written in natural language can be modelled. The purpose of graphical modelling sentences with NOK The conceptual framework Nodes of Knowledge (NOK) consists of methods for modelling sentences written in a natural language.